Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 12, 2012

Many of us grew up watching space-age futuristic TV programs like The Jetsons, wondering if one day we too would be able to communicate through video conferencing screens like George Jetson’s high-tech video phone. Although we may not yet have the robot maids or flying cars of Orbit City, thanks to VoIP service providers, video chat has become something of the present.

VoIP video chat features are transforming the way our businesses function. In business today, companies may have employees working from remote locations all over the world. It can be a challenge to get everyone on the same page when employees are so spread out. An SEO company for example, may partner with international websites, which means your staff members could be based out of foreign countries.

While in-person conversations are certainly the best, it’s neither feasible nor cost-efficient to expect your employees in Paris to jump on an airplane every day to make a 3 p.m. meeting in New York City.
However, with video chat, lots of employees can meet “face-to-face” in real time on a virtual platform. If your New York City SEO company is interested in a web developer living in France, video conferencing makes hiring and maintaining a relationship with this foreign web developer possible. Video chat technology opens the door to a bigger pool of talents for your SEO company.

In a way, IP video conferencing shrinks the world a bit, linking up your bloggers in California and Texas and that web developer in France to your New York City home-base staff which, in turn, creates a more cohesive work environment. Through a video conference, you can still conduct your afternoon meeting in New York City, just perhaps with an added view of the Eiffel Tower.

With VoIP providers, your video conferencing features allow you to schedule a virtual conference at a certain time, and then join the meeting by dialing a number or clicking on a link in an e-mail invitation. Each video conference participant will then have access to the virtual conference room in which the meeting is taking place. With most VoIP providers, each virtual room holds up to a certain number of participants, with the option of increasing the room capacity for an additional per person fee.

For IP video conferencing to work, each participant must use a device with a camera and microphone, like a phone with a video camera, or a computer with a camera. Some businesses are familiar with the large and expensive conference room video systems for large businesses and enterprises. While these video systems are great for enterprises, they are not the only choice you have in video conferencing. There is a wide variety of available cameras, speakers and IP video conferencing suites in a range of prices, so don’t be scared away by the high prices associated with these very sophisticated systems.

Some VoIP services offer three separate video conference packages, which vary in price based on their video resolution and maximum video bandwidth. If you’re in search of a video conferencing plan that will work best on small screens like video phones or webcams, low def plans are offered for as low as $99 per month. On the other hand, if you’re in the market for higher resolution and better quality for conference-room video systems, the high def plans would be your best option, with 2048 kbps of bandwidth for $499.99 per month.

When you consider that the price of just one round-trip plane ticket from Paris to New York City starts at $798, it’s easy to see the cost advantages of using IP video conferencing within your SEO business. Without even factoring in the multiple employees that may require flights to your meetings, or the other expenses associated with employee travel, the per month cost of a video chat solution, even with one of the more expensive VoIP services, is still cheaper than arranging face-to-face conferences.

Video conferencing is a time and money saving feature that will benefit your business as employees can experience real-time collaboration and face-to-face communication despite their unique locations. While we may still be waiting on our personal jetpacks, at least we can celebrate our very own advanced video conferencing systems, which may even spike jealousy in George Jetson himself.

Chloe Mulliner, Post from: SiteProNews

How IP Video Conferencing Can Take Your SEO Company to the Next Level

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