Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 12, 2012

At one point or another, most of us have tried to Google our brand. Chances are, the results were less than pleasing. This makes sense considering there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people out there trying to promote their own unique brands with the help of search engines. Fortunately, there are ways to create results to make your brand appear higher in Google’s search results. Here is a guide on how to implement them:

Understand Google’s Power
To start things off, it is important to understand the kind of power Google has and how people see you through it. It should be said that every single day, more than one billion names or brands are searched on Google by people world-wide. Another interesting fact: about 94 percent of people who use Google search don’t go beyond the first page of results. This means, if you are to make it with the help of search engine rankings, you will have to dominate on the first page.

Dominating the first page is easier than it sounds, considering only two percent of people actually own the first page of Google; only 50 percent own their first result, a quarter of pages have absolutely no positive content whatsoever and 15 percent of page one Google results have at least one negative result that lowers their reputation. In other words, many first pages are still up for the taking within Google search rankings.

Which Networks
So how exactly should you increase your reputation? Well, social media profiles are an excellent way to do that, especially with Facebook having just reached the billion-user mark recently. Not all profiles will give you the same kind of boost. For starters, the most beneficial one is LinkedIn, ranking higher than all other networks and website builders. You can also use Facebook and Twitter as they have a large number of users themselves. As far as blogging goes, you should focus on making WordPress profiles; they rank much higher than even Tumblr and Blogger. Also, as surprising as it may seem, a profile on Vimeo ranks higher with search engines than a YouTube profile. Yet YouTube is by far the powerhouse that can deliver the reach and frequency of your message. If you are into hosting pictures, then Flickr should be your only choice as it is the only picture hosting website that appears within the first two pages of Google.

Unfortunately, simply creating a run-of-the-mill profile isn’t enough. You need to use a service such as BrandYourself which works by first having you submit content about your personal brand. Next, you are provided with tools you can use to make sure that your links are friendly for the search engines. Their tools are going to analyze your profiles and provide you with “boost steps” to increase your positive pages’ ranks. Finally, you are going to receive alerts whenever anything happens to your profiles, allowing you to constantly stay on top of your business. You can even find out who is Googling your brand and when.

Maria Elena Duron, Post from: SiteProNews

Higher Google Results for Your Personal Brand

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