Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 2, 2013

There are several types of blog hosts available to help you get your blog online. It's important to understand what the difference is between the types of blog hosts before you jump in and start paying for an account with a specific blog host. Keep reading to learn about the types of blog hosts that are available, so you can make an informed decision that will help you meet your blogging goals in the long term.


Free Blog Host

Free blog hosts offer you space to publish your blog online at no cost. Sites like and provide both the blogging application and online space needed to create and publish a blog for free. Free blog hosts typically have limitations in terms of the amount of space your blog can take up online, the amount of advertising you can place on your blog to earn money from it, and the amount of flexibility you have to customize your blog. Free blog hosts can be an excellent choice for beginner bloggers who simply want to get their feet wet in the blogosphere.


Shared Blog Host

A shared blog host is typically the least expensive paid hosting option. With a shared blog host, a number of customers with their own blogs or websites share a server that is dedicated to storing their blogs and making them available online. The advantage to a shared blog host is the cost, but the disadvantage can come from a decreased response rate as more and more blogs and websites are assigned to the same server or as your blog grows and has higher performance demands. Additionally, shared blog host accounts usually have limitations in terms of the space allocated to each accountholder's blog or website, transfer speed, and more. However, most simple websites, blogs and small business websites do well with a shared blog host.


Reseller Blog Host

Some people purchase server space from a blog host or company then sell it to customers themselves, acting as resellers for the original blog host or company. It's important to investigate the benefits offered by the reseller to determine whether or not purchasing blog hosting services through a reseller will actually help you or not.


Dedicated Server Blog Host

If your blog becomes extremely popular or very big (meaning you have a lot of content, images, videos, etc.), you might need to consider moving to a dedicated server host. With a dedicated server, you are basically renting your own server from the providing company to store your blog and make it accessible to visitors. With your own server, naturally, the price goes up, but you'll also get increased space, transfer speed, and more. Typically, only very large and popular blogs and websites need to pay the extra cost for a dedicated server blog host.

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