Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 2, 2013

paid guest postsWe all know about guest posts. What it is and how it affect and helps our blog. But there are many other fellow bloggers who accept paid guest posts if someone wants to write for their blog and wants a backlink to their own blog or product. Today we are gonna share how these paid guest posts can ruin your blog and result in decrease in your blog readership.Previously we have discussed about some guest post secrets which helps to make your blog much better and effective with guest posting.

So first of all we will discuss about what are paid guest posts. There is not any much difference between paid guest posts and sponsored posts. Both these are same. Guest posts are simply a way to write content for other blogs and request for a backlink in return. There are many blogs which loves to charge a small fee if someone wants to write for their blog. In this way they love to make money from their blog. This is called paid guest posts. This is one of the way to monetize your blog with paid guest posts and make money.It depends upon you either you charge $10 or even $100 or even more for paid guest posts.

So what are the reasons for bloggers to charge their readers or somebody to write for their blog. What are the possible causes for accepting paid guest posts for their blog.According and me and many other experts, making money from their blog is the main reason for paid guest posts. This way help bloggers make money and maintain better readership.
Well this article is regarding how paid guest posts can harm your blog and bring big adverse affects to your readership. We will discuss some bad harmful effects for which paid guest posts are the main reason.

Harms Of Paid Guest Posts

1. One of the main reason which bloggers should understand while charging someone for a paid guest post is time and content. Bloggers don’t understand that they are getting free and fresh content for their blog.Everyone takes his precious time for the article he loves to send you as a guest post. And on the other hand you are charging him certain fee for writing his high quality article n your blog.According to me its not right. If the article is of low quality or if the reader is demanding backlink to any low authority blog or website, then it depends upon you to give a backlink or not.
Its not a big deal if the person demand a double sentenced biography and a link back to his blog or website. Make sure, if the article is highly qualified, it will not affect your blog’s ranking in any case. Remove this thought from your mind that giving backlinks to other blogs from any guest post will affect your rankings a lot. Bloggers like Darren Rowse also loves to write thousands of guest posts for his blog. This way you can get more better articles for your blog instead of getting low quality paid guest posts.On the other hand, if any company is requesting you for any paid guest post and offering you good amount of money, i don’t think you should let the offer go. At last, money is money.

2. Another harmful effect of paid guest posts is that it hurts your readership a lot. Suppose you know any person either through any social network or through any other mean and he/she is interested in writing a guest post for your blog. This way you will get high quality fresh content for your blog. On the other hand if you will ask him for a paid guest post instead of any simple guest post, i don’t think he/she will offer you his valueable content and ideas.Paid guest posts hurts your readership and relationship with your fellow readers.

3. Remember, giving a backlink in author bio doesn’t means selling backlinks from your blog. If you are accepting paid guest posts, then the writer will ask you for more than one backlink from the article. This will fully affect your blog rankings. According to Matt Cutts, “ Your Paid Posts Should Not Pass Page Rank”.This is totally according to the mean.You can accept or reject as many paid guest posts, but keep in mind with your blog’s rankings.

Nobody wants a nofollow backlink to their blog. On the other hand if someone reported your blog to Google for charging money for guest posts, or for paid guest posts, your blog could be penalized. It depends upon you weather you accept paid guest posts or not.

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How Paid Guest Posts Can Ruin Your Blog 

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