Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 3, 2013

In this article we will discuss how freebies can help you in blogging. We will talk about using free giveaways to strengthen the relationship with your email list and to build trust.
But you can also use freebies to help get people on your list. Offering a giveaway to entice someone to join your list can be a very effective method of quickly adding names to your list. But it comes with some potential negatives.

How it Works

If you have joined some email lists yourself, you may have been enticed with a freebie. It’s a simple exchange, you’re email address (and maybe your name) in exchange for the freebie.
And it might not be just one freebie. It might be many. As of this writing,it works very well!

What Can You Offer as an Incentive to Join Your List?
There’s almost no limit to the range of possible materials you can offer as incentives for joining your list. Possibilities include:
  • Ebooks or reports
  • Links to videos that not just anyone can access
  • If it’s appropriate for your niche, you might consider offering a bit of your time for a free consultation. (Careful with this one, though, it could get out of hand!)
  • You could offer the chance of winning some sort of prize. For example, anybody who joins the list by (fill in a date) will be entered into a drawing for a free Ipad (or whatever)
  • If you have your own Clickbank product you could offer a discount coupon for that product
These are just a few ideas of methods to encourage people to join your list. I’m sure you can get creative and come up with many more possibilities.
It’s important, though, to try to keep the incentive relevant to your niche and to the focus of your email campaign.
And you also want to be careful not to devalue the benefits of your email campaign with your freebie. Don’t give away too much, in other words. If you give too much as an incentive, you could end up with lots of hit-and-run subscribers, they join, get your freebies, and then bail out before you get a chance to cultivate a relationship.
You want it to be clear that the bulk of the value you offer will be delivered through the emails you’ll be sending to people on your list – not through sign-up incentives.

The Dark Side of Freebies

There’s no question that offering a freebie will encourage more people to join your list. I believe in offering incentives. I offer lots of them to people who join my email list.
But there is a negative to offering incentives.

By essentially bribing people into joining your list, you’ll end up with some on your list that – obviously enough – wouldn’t have joined otherwise.
In some ways that’s bad.
Since the costs you’ll pay most autoresponder services are based upon the size of your list, you want the list to be full of engaged people who really want to be there.

But there’s also a good side to the dark side.
Let’s suppose that you joins your list mainly just to get the freebie you offered. You doesn’t really care about anything else. He might even unsubscribe just as soon as you’ve delivered his freebie.
But – he might not. He might even read the next message you send. And the next. And the next. And might eventually become a long-time, fully engaged subscriber to your list, welcoming every message you send.

That could happen because of all of the great value you’ll be sending to you through your email series – including more freebies, as I outlined in the 20-day plan. You could end up staying with you for years.
But you might probably wouldn’t have joined your list in the first place without the temptation of your freebie offer.
How Freebies Can Help You In Blogging ?

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