Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 1, 2013

Someone just read my post long time ago & leave some rude comment. NOW I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR YOU:

I known some program is very bad that scam people, and some is very good but it suddenly stuck with a worst condition so it became scammer. And some people when they don't reach the minimum payout as fast as they want, then they said that's a scam. That's why I always give those program a little try again.
Not all people have a good knowledge about using Internet, especially when they don't have a chance to have Internet. So not all people can search the Internet the info about something.
The last one:
This is the blog about my experiences. If you think I'm stupid, then please close this page, don't be rude, don't leave something that make my blog stinky with your words. Don't be proud yourself that you known everything, you known that a scammer.....Why don't you do something? And did you ever make a mistake?
Depend on your words, I can guess that you're just a kid, no thinking & very rude to people. So I just write this article to teach you not to be rude to other people & not to think that "I'm SMART, you're STUPID". And don't say bad word about the relative of other people, it's just prove that you have no brain.

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