Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 4, 2012

When I do my School Project (Create an Java App connect to an DB), I found it's can't be done in windows 64bit, so I search the Internet and I found my own way to finish it in Windows 64bit. Just follow these step below.

Step 1
Run the 32-bit odbc driver using
WinKey+R, then copy-paste the below command

Step 2
Make a dsn named “SQLDB” or whatever name you want to.

Step 3
Create a new project in eclipse.

Step 4
Change the jre to the java installed inside
C:\Program Files (x86)\java
Use this as “JRE System Library”

Step 5
Use the below code to connect to connect to SQL Server (It's a SQL_Connection class)
import java.sql.*;

public class SQL_Connection {
public static Connection GetConnection()
Connection connect=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:SQLDB");
return connect;
catch(Exception ex)
return null;
public static int ExecuteQueryString(String querystring)
Statement st= GetConnection().createStatement();
return st.executeUpdate(querystring);
catch(Exception ex)
return -1;
public static ResultSet getResultSet(String querystring)
Statement st= GetConnection().createStatement();
ResultSet rs= st.executeQuery(querystring);
return rs;
catch(Exception ex)
return null;
public static void Close_Connection(Connection conn)
catch(Exception ex)

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