Event Highlights
iPhone 5 discontinued, iPhone 4S remains as free option

The very dark face of Eddy Cue.

Our fearless liveblogger.

That's gonna look way better when he's got a 5S to shoot with.

Hope you'll find somethings interesting after this event. Thanks to TheVerge for provided the report.
Source: http://live.theverge.com/apple-iphone-5s-liveblog/
Hey there — you're a little early! The action kicks off this coming Tuesday, September 10th, starting at 1PM ET / 10AM PT.
We're past the first line and inside 4 Infinite Loop! We should be starting in earnest in about 50 minutes.
It's a relatively small group of media at what we hear isn't a giant venue here at the Apple campus. It will be intimate, in a good way.
Tim Cook has entered the venue, parting the crowd. We should be going in any minute!
And we're in! Eddie Cue, Jony Ive, Phil Schiller — the whole Apple executive team is relaxed and chilling out front of a very small room.
The music is "My Number," by the Foals. "You don't have my number." As usual, interpreting Apple's choice of music is left as an exercise for the reader.
The very dark face of Eddy Cue.
An armored truck just pulled up outside. Make of that what you will.
The room filled up in record time, looks like we're set to start exactly on time. In the intervening five minutes, we'll be waiting for the inevitable daring heist on the aforementioned armored truck. Paging Jason Statham.
BTW, this is Dieter Bohn on text and the incomparable David Pierce on photos. We're pleased to talk to you today.
Our fearless liveblogger.
T-minus two minutes. your final jam is "Out of my league" by Fitz and the Tantrums.
Here we go!
Tim Cook takes the stage after a pregnant pause.
"Thank you very much for joining us."
A special welcome to people in Beijing, Berlin, and Tokyo.
Starting fast, Cook is going into updates.
First up, he'd like to talk about the iTunes Festival, which is in its seventh year.
iTunes Festival is thirty nights of live music events in London. Lada Gaga opened, Robin Thicke will also be on it, but Justin Timberlake and Katy Perry get the nod from Cook.
Apple doesn't charge for tickets, so 20 million people have applied for them.
And of course, it's being live streamed to over 100 countries. It's one of the things Apple does that doesn't get much attention. So Apple has prepared a video to show it off.
Video time.
We're watching the venue get set up, with some mellow beats. Time lapse? You bet.
Cheering crowds. Why isn't Lady Gaga wearing shoes? Only Lady Gaga can answer that question.
And cut to Apple logo. Cook's back on stage.
It's time for updates on retail.
"This month, our attention turns home."
The Stanford, CA store is tiny, but it has served five million customers — 2,000 per day recently.
This weekend it's been replaced with a massive glass-enclosed pavilion. There's glass on three sides and a cantilevered roof.
Apple has split it into two rooms: one for service, one for retail.
"Also this month, we've been hard at work at completing iOS 7."
"Next month, we will ship the 700 millionth iOS device."
"iOS 7 will quickly become the world's most popular operating system."
Craig Federighi takes the stage to talk iOS 7!
"Virtually overnight, hundreds of millions of people [will] download iOS 7."
We're going over some of the features of iOS 7. The lock screen, the "harmonious layout" of the home screen.
"iOS 7 is so alive with depth." He's really burning through the feature set here. Talking about Control Center, Notification Center.
He's pointing out that you can pull down to access search from anywhere on the home screen. Chuckles for the texts complimenting his hair. It's really good hair!
Now multitasking view, which looks like cards. Quickly into Safari. If you thought Apple was going to spend a ton of time talking about iOS 7 today, sounds like you're wrong.
Showing off how Siri can search Tweets — Lady Gaga again. Siri also has Wikipedia, inline web search, and photo search.
Hunh! New, more textured ringtones. They sound pretty good. System alert sounds have also been improved. The sample alert? "Pick up shampoo and conditioner." Wah Wah.
Boom we're already into the camera's features, with built-in filters and easier modes. The gallery automatically groups photos into "moments" and "related collections."
(If you're not familiar with iOS 7, there are a LOT of changes and, well, this rapid-fire overview is just a small taste so far.)
Next up, there's a new "Share Sheet" that makes it easier to share stuff on Twitter or email — plus AirDrop lets you share directly to people nearby over "P2P Wi-Fi."
Keeping up? iOS 7 has iTunes Radio, "the best way to experience new music."
It works a lot like Pandora, so you can create your own stations. Federighi loves Rush!
"There are over 200 features."
"The developer community is hugely inspired." Evenote. Zillow, Open Table. Many more to come.
"iOS 7 takes great advantage of the expanded iPad canvas."
It's out on Sept 18th.
Coming to iPhone 4 and later, iPad 2 and later, iPad mini, and iPod touch 5th gen.
Cook is back out! Time to switch gears to "other software."
Time to talk about iWork.
"iWork now consists of the best-selling mobile productivity apps on any platform."
Cook is overviewing the apps inside iWork. Keynote, Pages, and Numbers. All three are the "best" "designed for a mobile device."
iOS devices "are incredible for creating content," Cook says.
Cook is talking about creativity apps: iPhoto, iMovie.
"We think that iWork is a really key advantage for our customers' productivity, and iPhoto and iMovie are great for their creativity."
"Almost all of our customers want these apps."
All five of these apps are free.
They are free with any new iOS device, Cook says.
When you set up a new iOS device, you're given a screen to download the iWork apps, iPhoto, and iMovie. Any new iPad, iPhone, or 5th-gen iPod touch.
"Now I'd like to talk about iPhone. A couple of you may be expecting this."
The iPhone 5 had the most successful first year of any iPhone Apple had ever done, Cook says.
Sales chart — that's a big, nice curve for Apple.
"In the past, when we introduced a new iPhone, we lowered the price of the old iphone."
"This year, we're not going to do that."
"This year, we're going to replace the iPhone 5."
"With not one, but two new designs."
Phil Schiller takes the stage!
"Happy to be here."
The first one is iPhone 5C!
"It's made with all the incredible technology of the iPhone 5."
More fun, more colorful.
"A few of you might have seen some shots on the web. And that's cool, because everyone is really excited about this."
Video time.
A very lime green, very very yellow, bright blue... all liquid forming up into an iPhone 5C.
Green, white, blue, pink, and yellow.
The casing definitely looks plastic. But in these renders it doesn't look cheap, of course.
"The entire back and sides are made from a single part."
"You won't see seams, or part lines, or joins."
It really looks a lot like a plastic iPhone 5. That's not necessarily a bad thing.
Apple has also created custom cases with a "soft-feel silicon rubber."
There are circular cut out patterns so you can see the original color underneath.
It's made of a hard-coated polycarbonate material.
It's steel-reenforced inside, a new structure, which also serves as an antenna.
4-inch Retina display, integrated touch layer.
A6 processor, same as the iPhone 5.
The battery is slightly larger than it was on the iPhone 5.
It has the same 8-megapixel rear camera.
Grand new FaceTime HD camera on the front, larger pixels, and backside illumination.
It supports more LTE bands than any other smartphone in the world. Dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0.
Blue, White, Pink, Yellow, and Green.
$99 for 16GB, $199 for 32GB.
On a two-year contract, of course.
The cases are $29 each.
Of course, they're environmentally friendly too.
"Yes, and Android free."
Video time!
Jony Ive on the screen. "The distillation of what people love about the iPhone 5."
"We believe the iPhone is an experience."
(BTW: credit to Apple for picking normal names for its colors, nothing ridiculous.)
"iPhone 5C is beautifully, unapologetically plastic."
It's a classic Jony Ive design monologue. "We took the same fanatical care of how the iPhone 5C feels in your hand."
Time to look at the manufacturing. A single piece of polycarbonate, into which there's a steel frame that doubles as an antenna.
There are multiple finishing process, including a lacquer hard coat.
Apple is really proud of these cases too, FYI.
Federighi on the video now, running down the features. More LTE bands than any other smartphone in the world. New FaceTime HD camera. And iOS 7, of course.
"iOS 7 is designed to match the iPhone 5C." The wallpapers match the phone's color.
Ive: "It's quite remarkable when something feels familiar and yet is new at the same time. That's the iPhone 5C."
iPhone 5S.
Schiller calls it "perhaps the most forward thinking phone anyone has ever made."
We're looking at melting metal, flowing.
It's gold.
Slate, Gold, and Silver.
The LED looks bigger too.
It's made of high-grade aluminum, with chamfered edges. I see a ring about the home button too.
Officially: Silver, Gold, and a "new space gray."
Schiller wants to start by talking about performance.
Brand new system-on-a-chip called A7.
It's 64-bit chip. The first ever on a smartphone.
"World's first and only smartphone" with a 64-bit chip.
iOS 7 apparently runs in 64-bit as well.
Chip specs: 64-bit desktop architecture. 2x general purpose registers. Over one billion transistors.
Yep, iOS 7 has been completely reengineered for 64-bit. Apple's apps are also 64-bit.
XCode also supports 64-bit, so developers should be able easily upgrade as well. Of course, the iPhone 5S will still run older 32-bit apps.
"It's over twice as fast" in speed. The chart shows a 40x CPU performance bump. Graphics are 56x faster.
It runes OpenGL|ES 3.0, like the new Nexus 7.
Demo time!
Epic Games' Donald Mustard, co-founder of ChAIR entertainment takes the stage.
He's talking about Infinity Blade 1 & 2.
Today, "The epic conclusion of the Infinity Blade trilogy."
You can play one of two characters. The graphics, as you'd expect, look pretty good. But the big deal is that there are huge areas to explore.
He says it's five times faster than the iPhone 5.
(I can't stop looking at the ring around the home button on the right.)
OpenGL ES 3.0 means they can add "Lens flares that would make J.J. Abrams proud."
Whoa. Dragon just flew in and spit fire everywhere.
This demo is running in real time and there's nary a lag or stutter.
This looks more like a cutscene on a phone game than live gameplay. But then again that's kind of how Infinity Blade has always looked.
Infinity Blade III.
"It will be available in the App Store alongside the new iPhone 5S."
A new part, the M7. It works alongside the A7. It's a "motion co-processor."
It measures the accelerometer, compass, and gyroscope.
It can tell apps if you're stationary, walking, driving, etc.
Developers will be able to access it, and Nike is taking advantage of with a new app called "Nike+ Move."
It uses the A7, M7, and the GPS and it also uses Nike Fuel Points and is even integrated into Game Center.
"What about battery life?"
3G talk time: 10 hours. 10 Hours LTE browsing.
Up to 250 hours of standby. Schiller says it's better than the iPhone 5.
Next up, "the camera system."
"It used to be to take better pictures you became a better photographer."
"For most of us, we just want to take a picture."
"a new, five-element Apple-designed lens" with an F2.2 aperture.
The sensor has a 15 percent larger active area.
But Apple isn't going to pack in more pixels. "Bigger pixels make a better picture."
The pixels are 1.5 microns.
"The new software in iOS 7 has been designed to take advantage of this new sensor."
The camera app sets white balance, exposure, creates a "dynamic local tone map," "autofocus matrix metering" with 15 zones ... all automatically.
When you take a photo, it actually takes multiple photos and picks the best.
There's also the "True tone flash."
"Whatever color your flash it, it's going to clash with the color in the room. ... Especially skin tone."
The new flash has two LEDs. One is cool and white, the other is warm and amber.
Apple can combine the two to get the right color balance out of the flash.
A side-by-side photo with the new flash. Yep, skin tones look way better.
Auto image stabilization is coming too.
The way it works is it takes multiple photos, combines them for light levels, but picks the sharpest one.
There's a new burst mode — 10 frames per second.
To deal with the dozens of photos burst mode creates, it will analyze them in real time so it can present you what it thinks is the best shot automatically.
Slo-Mo is coming as well. The icon shows it can do 120FPS.
It captures HD video at 720p at 120FPS.
Let's look at some un-retouched sample photos.
The iPhone is still the smartphone camera to beat, if these photos are representative.
California Ground Squirrel. Hi squirrel.
A 28-megapixel panorama, the iPhone adjusts exposure level automatically as you pan.
"That is the new iSight camera."
"The third feature is all about security."
"The most common way is to set up a passcode."
"Unfortunately, some people find that's too cumbersome." Apple says that about half of smartphone users don't bother.
Touch ID.
"uses a key with you have everywhere you go." Yes, your fingerprint.
A new sensor: the Touch ID Sensor. It's 170 microns thin, senses 500 ppi, scans your sub-epidermal skin layers.
It can read in any orientation.
As expected, it's built right into the home button.
The ring around the home button is just a "detection ring" which turns on the Touch ID sensor.
The home button is sapphire so it won't scratch.
"You can simply touch your home button to unlock your phone."
You can also scan your fingerprint to do stuff in apps, like authenticate iTunes for buying apps.
(Yes, so tired to entering my iTunes password!)
Video time! Jony Ive speaking again.
"It's not just rampant technology for technology's sake."
The video is focused on Touch ID. In these demos, it seems to read the fingerprint pretty quickly from multiple angles.
It can handle multiple fingerprints too.
It uses capacitive touch to read your fingerprint. Now we're getting into the details of how a fingerprint is unique.
"All fingerprint is encrypted, and secured inside a secure enclave."
"It's never available to other software." It's never uploaded to Apple's servers or backed up to iCloud.
Schiller back on stage. The overview of the three technologies: A7, camera, and Touch ID.
iOS 7 is 64-bit and supports Touch ID.
"This is our most forward-thinking phone yet."
Starts at 16GB for $199.
32GB is $299, 64GB is $399.
All are on a standard two-year contract, naturally.
There are new cases too, $39 apiece, in multiple colors.
And yes, still environmentally friendly. No joke about being Android free, though.
The iPhone 4S is sticking around, at 8GB for free.
Friday, Sept 13th: preorder.
A week later, Sept 20th, you can purchase both in the US, Australia, Canada, etc.
"This is the first time we've been able to launch an iPhone at the start in China."
In Japan, they'll be on Softbank, KDDI, and NTT DoCoMo
100 countries and 270 carriers by the end of the year.
That's iPhone! Tim Cook is back on stage.
"We don't just pack in feature after feature."
"We think deeply about experiences we want to create."
Cook also seems to be in wrap-up mode. iOS 7, iPhone 5C, and iPhone 5S each get a namecheck.
"We've prepared a few ads." Time to watch one of them.
A bunch of people in brightly colored spaces are saying hello.
Or "DUDE" or "Look what the cat dragged in" or ... something in Klingon.
All of the phones are the iPhone 5C. It's a nice commercial, happy and fun.
"I'd like to thank all the teams at Apple that worked so hard at creating these products."
"Before we close, I'd like to return to music."
"We do really love music."
Somebody's coming on stage. Three decades of work, 29 albums. Wait for it....
"Our friend, Elvis Costello."
Mr. Costello is on the stage. "That's a lot of fancy stuff."
"What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding?"
You know, nothing Elvis, it's really not a joke. We're with you on this one even though this sounds like I'm being ironic.
Costello chats up the crowd. Effectively. It must be the hat — very few men can pull off a hat like that.
Costello: Still got it.
Taking a bow, shaking Cook's hand. Standing ovation.
One more song, looks like. He suggests somebody make a new app, "iPad Twister."
"This is from a record we're going to release next week. See, I've got product announcements too."
Costello is ending on a mellow, sad, sweet song called "Tripwire" (I think) from his upcoming album.
That's gonna look way better when he's got a 5S to shoot with.
Another Standing O. (And yes, I was right, it was called "Tripwire.")
Cook back up, telling us we can get a hands-on.
Here we go!
That's it! The Verge Live will start very soon and we'll be back with hands-on as well. Keep it locked!
Hope you'll find somethings interesting after this event. Thanks to TheVerge for provided the report.
Source: http://live.theverge.com/apple-iphone-5s-liveblog/
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