Yesterday, I surfing the web & saw an notification that I have a new mail. I check it, that really surprise me. It's an email from PayPal said that I made a payment to OPTICS TIME COMPANY on eBay, I didn't notice the shipping address. I think it just a fraud email. I logged in to my paypal account & it's very scary : there is a transaction has successfully sent to OPTICS TIME COMPANY like I saw on the email, and It charge the money on my Credit Card!!!!
I made a "Dispute transaction" to Paypal, when Paypal ask me if my profile was changed. I didn't notice anythings changed. So I just click continues & hope Paypal return my money. After made a Dispute, I go to my profile, I saw that my phone was changed, another strange address appear in my addresses, and the Security question changed without any notifies to my email. When I search that strange address on the Internet, I saw it belong to Jim Rojas, his address is
"Roby Setyawan Muas
8002 Cornwall Ln
c/o Jim Rojas
Tampa, FL 33615-4604
United States"
I saw that some others people Paypal account using by Jim Rojas. What the hell with him? Does anybody arrest him? He steal a lot of money from people, how can he still alive outside the law? I need my money back, It's my hard work, and I'm still a student of a University, I need my money. Please arrest him!!
P/S: I'm very careful when using the Internet, I'm sure my computer don't have any Spyware, I didn't login to any account at Public Internet, didn't clicked any strange link in emails, and my email password is different from my Paypal password. Be careful people!! I think UG changed their target to Paypal account.
bank account
credit card
» Verified PayPal account hacked
Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 6, 2012
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