Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 1, 2012

How to start earning with JSS Tripler?

  1. Register a JSS Tripler account here (You will get $10 free)


  • Add fund via AlertPay and buy position to earn daily interest
  • The minimum payout is 20$

1.Some info about Justbeenpaid

  • Operating since 2005 was operated by Frederick Mann. (Before the establishment of JSS - that man has solo and earn tens of thousands of $ MMO a month)
  • Is a trusted investment site during the six years, if you do not believe, you can type keywords "justbeenpaid scam" on google to see results.
2. Some info about JSS TRIPLER program

Active from February 2011, to August 2011 admin decided to restart the program and add some new points, to 11/2011 almost complete the restart process, this is a good time to invest, risk nearly equal to ZERO.
JSS tripler is a part of 5 justbeenpaid program and is now is one of the hottest programs on the internet investment.

3. Make money with JSS TRIPLER

JSS-Tripler is a profitable investment program
Payments via Alertpay, accept visa card for payment
Minimum withdrawal amount is $ 20, payment in 24-36 hours
You have to buy the position to enjoy the % Daily
$10 per position
When you refer someone to join the program, you get

  • $1 every time someone you refer (F1) buy a position
  • $ 0.5 when F2 (introducing by F1purchase a position
Earning 2% daily for 75 days, so after 75 days, each position will give you $ 15 and from Day 76, the position can't earn you anymore, the expired position have a status "PENDING JSS"

You can purchase up to 500 position = $5000 in a day, such income would be $100 a day, after 75 days you have: $7500 - $5000 = $2500 profit

Every day you can still purchase additional position to earn an additional 2%. The JSS-Tripler commission (with JSS-Tripler whether you are still free member commission, so when you develop the downline system or expiration of your position every day and move into the matrix JSS, to receive position in the matrix, you must upgrade)
 - Free member
  • Commission $1 / position when your F1 buy a position
  • Commission 0.5$/position khi when your F2 buy a position
- Upgrade member
  • Commission $1 / position when your F1 buy a position
  • Commission 0.5$/position khi when your F2 buy a position
  • Commission when your ref upgrade
  • Commission 5$ when your F1 fully fill the matrix
  • Commission 2.5$ when your F2 fully fill the matrix
  • Can participate in the program left the JBP as JSS, JSS warp, JSS booster
  • This is the table of purchased positions and the daily income

The objective of JSS-tripler is triple the amount of your investment, so with the investment $40 you can earn $120

So, how can you x3 your money?
The answer is a program of justbeenpaid-JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS)

Thus, after 75 days, when the position earned you enough $15, will now have two choices

- If you have not upgraded your account, then the position will write the words "JSS pending" and not earn you any more.

- If you upgrade your account $15 / three months, after 75 days every 4 expired position will automatically transferred to the matrix 2x2 JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) program and each completed matrix will give you $ 60.

So, with your $ 40 investment will bring 40x150% +60 U.S. dollars (from JSS) = $ 120

4. Why you should invest in justbeenpaid, namely JSS-TRIPLER but not other programs

  • The risk is almost equal to 0, safer than HYIP and PTC sites
  • Admin has the financial ability to manage very well (site has been operating 6 years)
  • Profit is significant
  • JSS-TRIPLER restart almost completed preparations for ver 2.0, a good time to invest without fear of any risk.

How the world talk about justbeenpaid

Some world-renowned forum about MMO discussing justbeenpaid

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